Whole 30: Day 21 – Saying NO…When You Feel Like Saying YES

For the past 20 days, I’ve taken the approach of trying to teach a fundamental aspect of holistic health through my experience on that day with Whole 30.

I’ve talked about sleep, rest, recipes, self-care, dreams realized, eating quality and locally, the importance of relationships, and so forth.

Yet, right now, I have nothing specific on my mind or heart to teach on or share with other than on Day 21, you just got to tell yourself to persevere.

On Day 21, you have 3 weeks under your belt and only 9 more days to go, but 30 days can be a long time and there is a tendency to just want to stop now because you feel that the work is done, you learned your lessons, and now you can handle eating well from here on out.

Although that may be true, I encourage you to not give up and to hold fast to your commitment of 30 days.

If i’m quite honest, I’m telling myself the same thing right now. It’s not that I necessarily because I want to eat non-Whole 30 foods, but because 30 days can feel long and rules can feel restricting at times. The constant saying of “yes” to one thing and “no” to the other can simply, just get to you.

At a friends birthday party tonight, I wanted that chocolate cupcake but said no to it because I know 1) it wasn’t Whole 30 approved and 2) I wouldn’t feel good eating it. But that no was annoying because sometimes you just want to say yes, am I right?

Yet as much as I may whine or complain, I know that saying “no” was actually my best “yes” in that moment. I’ve come too far to just eat something because it looks good or appetizes me. I’ve learned what self-control is, what real food does for me, and I will continue to say the appropriate “no” and “yes” for the next 9 days not out of a posture of restriction or deprivation, but out of a posture of freedom and empowerment.

I vow to persevere no matter how bored, impatient, or challenged I may get. I vow to continue to choose my freedom of choice to make choices which benefit and serve me.

Therefore, if you are doing Whole 30 now and reading this, I encourage you to do the same. Remind yourself of why you started the Whole 30 and tell yourself to persevere.

Listen, no one person won the race by staying at the starting line or stopping half way through. He or she won by pushing through those last few meters as their legs burned, to win the prize they set their heart, minds, and bodies out for.

And you can do the same 🙂

21 days down, 9 more to go. Persevere with me my friends, persevere.

By Brianna Wilkerson

Brianna Wilkerson is a Holistic Health and Life Coach, Essential Oils Advocate with doTERRA, podcast host, wife and momma, matcha tea lover, and at-home crossfitter. She helps women find peace with food, create healthy habits, and use natural essential oil-based products so they can feel better, have more energy, and take care of themselves and those they love. You’ll leave sessions with her feeling supported and empowered to make simple health changes that fit into your life, and use essential oils as natural solutions for your health, home, and family. You can find Brianna hanging out in the Made Well Women's Health Community and on her Instagram!