7 Pillars of Essential Oils Education

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Healthy Oily Home Podcast!

My name is Brianna Wilkerson from Made Well, and I’m the Founder / CEO of Made Well – a practice designed to see women be healthy and thrive in all areas of their lives, starting with their physical health.

I am a Holistic Health and Life Coach with a heart to empower Christian Women to ditch diets, lose weight and thrive in their lives. I love seeing women care for their bodies through proper nutrition, consistent exercise, managing stress, sleeping well, digesting foods well, reducing their toxic load, caring for their mindset and habits.

I also am an Essential Oils Advocate and love empowering women to use non-toxic solutions like essential oils for their health, homes, and families.

It is my absolute delight and pleasure to bring you this new podcast (I have another one for coaching – Sustainable Weight Loss Podcast ) to support you in your essential oils journey!

Today’s episode is the first in our summer series and breaks down the 7 pillars of essential oils education!

In this episode, you will learn about:

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I’m all about foundations and making sure people understand the WHY behind what they are doing or using, or wanting to do or use – especially with essential oils!

There are SO many beautiful essential oils out there and each one has so much beauty to uncover.

Out of the roughly 17,500 aromatic plants that could be converted into essential oils, roughly only 400 are sold on the commercial market.

Aromatherapists and scientists have been careful to offer consumers essential oils they have researched, tested, and have evidence to help us. Although many of the ones yet commercially produced could provide benefits, we want to focus on the ones that are available for use and have been tested.

doTERRA has roughly 100 single essential oils and essential oil blends that they offer. A few of these are some common ones, and not so common ones!

  • Lemon
  • Peppermint
  • Lavender
  • Frankincense
  • Melaleuca
  • Rose
  • Jasmine
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Rosemary
  • Eucalyptus

And SO much more!

To check out some of these oils, you can check out their product guide >>HERE<<.


There is SO much science around essential oils!

Within the last few years, I’ve been learning so much about the oils and their CONSTITUENTS and CHEMICAL FAMILIES.

Both of these are super important in regards to understanding the essential oil more and their uses and benefits.

Although I am still learning, I’m hoping to share more about the science and research around the essential oils and how that impacts how you USE them, their BENEFITS, and what’s happening BEHIND THE SCENES physiologically and psychologically when you use them.

For example, did you know that when you SMELL an essential oil that it communicates to your Limbic System to respond a certain way via memories, emotions, and behaviors? Yes! Scent and aroma is powerful and these essential oils can greatly impact your health and life when used properly and wisely.


One of the first things that drew me to doTERRA was their heart and passion for quality and purity – yes – but their heart for people.

You see, doTERRA has chosen to source their oils from certain places to ensure great quality in the GROWING CONDITIONS (climate, temperature, quality of soil, amount of rainfall, altitude) and HARVESTING CONDITIONS (how, when, etc).

However, that’s not what completely attracted me when it came to their sourcing. It was their Co-Impacting Sourcing initiatives that drew me in.

You see, rather than just purchase the oil from these various countries, doTERRA has made it a priority to support the local community and farmers in meaningful ways. Whether that’s through FAIR WAGES, BETTER LIVING CONDITIONS, MICROLOANS, and so much more, doTERRA truly cares about their partners and that to me is something I always want in someone I partner with and represent as well.

As much as I can, when I share about each oil, I will share about the sourcing of the oil as well 🙂

Check out a youtube video >>HERE<< to learn more about doTERRA’s sourcing.


There have been concerns throughout the years about the safety of essential oils.

Questions such as:

  •  Which oils are safe to put on my skin?
  •  Which ones are safe to ingest if any?
  • Which ones are safe for certain demographics (children, pregnant women, elderly, those on existing medications, etc.)?
  • How much should I use of each oil per day?

I’ve been doing a lot of reading around the Safety of the oils as well as taking a course on it and it’s all so fascinating and also really just makes it clear that it’s totally safe to use essential oils, but it’s just all about knowing 1) which ones to use, 2) what ways to use them, and 3) how much to use!

So whenever I talk about essential oil my Facebook Group or here on the blog, I will make sure to share as much as I can around the safety of it!


One of my GREATEST passions when it comes to essential oils is people knowing HOW to use them.

Far too often do we learn about essential oils but aren’t sure how to use them. We may even have some but aren’t sure how to use them.

So going forward, whenever I share about an essential oil, I will share:

  • Some practical uses for the oil
  • Which oils to use aromatically, internally or typically how much of each oil to use and when, as well as some testimonies of the results people have gotten from using the oils.
  • How much of each oil to use and when
  • Testimonies of the results people have gotten from using the oils.


One of the most well-studied areas of aroma research is the effect of smell on EMOTIONS and MOOD.

The SMELL receptors located on the upper surface of the nasal cavity make direct links with the LIMBIC SYSTEM of the brain, an area that governs the body’s EMOTIONAL responses.

This close connection between AROMA and EMOTION becomes obvious in our everyday life as certain odors trigger MEMORIES or specific FEELINGS. Some AROMAS directly impact MOOD (for example calming, balancing, or invigorating), while others trigger memories of a specific experience, often one tied to a strong EMOTION.

Intriguing new research has also helped us recognize that the benefits of AROMA extend far beyond just EMOTIONAL regulation.

In addition to influencing the limbic region of the BRAIN, olfactory centers are also intricately linked with the hypothalamus, an area of the BRAIN more familiarly nicknamed the “visceral control center” because it controls physiologic functions throughout the body. The hypothalamus exerts its POWERFUL influence by interacting directly with the pituitary gland, or “master gland,” a small gland located in the BRAIN.

The pituitary gland secretes hormones involved in the regulation of BLOOD PRESSURE, HUNGER and THIRST signals, THYROID function, SLEEP cycles, production of sexual HORMONES, and MEMORY, among other things.

Because of the direct link of the olfactory system to this area of the brain, AROMA is capable of interacting directly with the hypothalamus, influencing neurochemistry throughout the body, and, in turn, potentiating POWERFUL health outcomes.

Thus, the aroma from essential oils has a HUGE impact on us mentally, physically and emotionally! So we will be sure to look at that for each oil going forward.


No matter what it is, we all want to hear about someone else’s experience with something to truly validate its value.

And the same is true of essential oils!

When I first started sharing about essential oils, I actually just shared my own testimony with the oils and the basic 10 essential oils.

And as I shared more with oils with others and heard about their testimonies, I started to share those testimonies as well!

Essential oils have so much power and I can’t wait to share more testimonies of them with you all!


Free Resource: Essential Oils 101

During this FREE class + series, you will learn:

  • Discover what essential oils are and how they can be the natural solutions for your health that you’ve been looking for
  • Why the quality of the essential oil matters in order to give you your desired results without causing added chemicals and harm
  • The variety of uses for essential oils and how you can incorporate them into your everyday life
  • Discover the TOP 10 Essential Oils everyone should have in their home
  • Learn the most affordable way to get essential oils that match your health goals and concerns
  • Learn how you can find HOPE again in your health and take charge of your health and your life

Resources Mentioned:

Join my FREE Essential Oils for a Healthy Home and Family FB Group to unpack this episode and learn more about how to use essential oils for your health, home and family!

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By Brianna Wilkerson

Brianna Wilkerson is a Holistic Health and Life Coach, Essential Oils Advocate with doTERRA, podcast host, wife and momma, matcha tea lover, and at-home crossfitter. She helps women find peace with food, create healthy habits, and use natural essential oil-based products so they can feel better, have more energy, and take care of themselves and those they love. You’ll leave sessions with her feeling supported and empowered to make simple health changes that fit into your life, and use essential oils as natural solutions for your health, home, and family. You can find Brianna hanging out in the Made Well Women's Health Community and on her Instagram!