Restoring Broken Trust with Food, Your Body and Yourself

Welcome to the one-hundredth and sixtieth episode, where I chat with Robin Wisner about the importance of being kind to yourself and restoring the broken trust you may have with food, your body and yourself.

My name is Brianna Wilkerson from Made Well, and I’m the Founder / CEO of Made Well – a practice designed to see women be healthy and thrive in all areas of their lives.

I am a Holistic Health and Life Coach with a heart to empower Christian Women to ditch diets, lose weight, and thrive in their lives. I love seeing women care for their bodies through proper nutrition, consistent exercise, managing stress, sleeping well, digesting foods well, reducing their toxic load, caring for their mindset and habits.

I also am an Essential Oils Advocate and love empowering women to use non-toxic solutions like essential oils for their health, homes, and families.

It is my absolute delight and pleasure to bring you this podcast and share with you all my heart and soul around truly being healthy and thriving in all areas of your life!

In this week’s episode, I have Robin Wisner joining us to chat about the importance of being kind to yourself and restoring the broken trust you may have with food, your body and yourself.

Robin Wisner is a John Maxwell Life Coach, CEO of the LightHer Way Wellness Program and co-host of the Sacred Grounds podcast. She is passionate about helping women prioritize their health, habits and happiness (without guilt!) so they can enjoy a lifestyle that aligns with their vision and values.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • Robin’s story of overcoming the dieting rollercoaster
  • How Robin lost 70lbs by taking charge of her health and becoming an expert at her own body
  • How we have lost touch with our hunger signals and developed a broken trust with our bodies
  • How being kind to ourselves can transform the way take care of ourselves
  • Why facing your food can be one of the most powerful things you can do
  • How to get access to Robin’s Life Vision Guide
  • Details on the Food Freedom Challenge that’s happening this week!
  • Why you should book a Coaching Clarity Call with me to see how my 1:1 programs can support you

Be sure to check out the episode below and the resources/links!

Click below to listen:

Are you tired of the constant battle with food and feeling like food is controlling you instead of you controlling it?

Are you ready to break free from emotional eating and lose weight that lasts, but do it from a place of love and affection for your body and yourself?

Are you longing to finally find peace with food and create a strong mindset and habits base that help you to start believing that you and your body is more than enough right now?

If so, this intensive is for you!

During this intensive, we will:

  • Unpack your mindset towards the seven areas of food freedom – diet, weight, food, your body, yourself, exercise and your emotions
  • Rewrite any limiting beliefs and thought patterns you have in those areas so that you can start believing change is possible and finally find peace with food and your body
  • Create a customized mindset and habits plan for you to not only speak and think thoughts that are transformative, but also take consistent actions that will transform your body and relationship with food for good

This session includes:

  • 90 minute coaching session on Zoom to get personalized 1:1 support and feedback (valued at $299 USD)
  • Unlimited E-Support for one week after our session to get support, strategy, and celebrations!  (valued at $99 USD)
  • Customized food freedom plan with the mindset tools and habit hacks you need to transform your mind and body (valued at $99 USD)

Investment$297 USD (15% off) for a limited time only!

This package is valued at $500, but you will get it for only $297!
Book a no pressure clarity call today to see if this is a great fit for you and the breakthrough you need to overcome emotional eating for lasting body love and health success!

Resources Mentioned:

Join my FREE Sustainable Weight Loss Community to unpack this episode and get support in your health & weight loss goals!

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By Brianna Wilkerson

Brianna Wilkerson is a Holistic Health and Life Coach, Essential Oils Advocate with doTERRA, podcast host, wife and momma, matcha tea lover, and at-home crossfitter. She helps women find peace with food, create healthy habits, and use natural essential oil-based products so they can feel better, have more energy, and take care of themselves and those they love. You’ll leave sessions with her feeling supported and empowered to make simple health changes that fit into your life, and use essential oils as natural solutions for your health, home, and family. You can find Brianna hanging out in the Made Well Women's Health Community and on her Instagram!